The parking area in the territory of Tervise Paradiis is paid 24 hours a day!
Parking of vehicles on the roads and in the territory of Tervise Paradiis is permitted only for customers of Tervise Paradiis.Parking is carried out in accordance with the parking spaces designated for parking of vehicles, the installed traffic signs and additional boards, and the established parking terms and conditions.
Upon arrival, please make sure that you use a parking clock which allows you to have sufficient time to enter the data of your vehicle into the parking system. Starting from the moment of entry, customers of Tervise Paradiis who use a parking clock have the right to free parking for 30 minutes.
The following vehicles are exempt from paying the parking fee: buses, operational vehicles and vehicles of companies serving Tervise Paradiis
The parking fee rates for parking a motor vehicle in the paid parking area are as follows:
From 1 January until 30 April 2025:
5 hours – 2 euro
Accommodation for 1–2 days 5 euros /period
Accommodation for 3–10 days 15 euros /period
From 1 May until 31 August 2025:
5 hours – 5 euros
Accommodation for 1–2 days 10 euros /period
Accommodation for 3–10 days 20 euros /period
From 1 September until 31 December 2025:
5 hours – 2 euro
Accommodation for 1–2 days 5 euros /period
Accommodation for 3–10 days 15 euros /period
Parking is allowed subject to availability of free spaces. It is not possible to reserve a parking space in advance.
Paid parking does not guarantee a parking space for the entire duration of the stay if the visitor leaves the hotel parking lot in the meantime.
You can register your vehicle and pay for the parking right at self-service payment terminals for a 5-hour period immediately after starting parking in the paid parking area. It is not possible to combine parking periods in self-service payment terminals, and you can buy a new 5-hour parking period after the end of the current period.
Self-service payment terminals are installed in the lobby of the hotel and the waterpark, and payment can only be made by card.
It is possible to pay for the parking right in cash at the cash desks of the Tervise Paradiis (except the store).
The customer staying at the hotel, the customer of the conference and the buyer of the day ticket of the water park can pay for the parking right at the administrator’s desk at the hotel / the waterpark according to duration of the accommodation period / service, and duration of the corresponding parking time is entered into the parking program.
Customers of the Tervise Paradiis Spa & Sport sports club, who have a valid period card, can get a parking right by entering their car registration number at the self-service kiosk of the sports club.
It is not possible to pay for paid parking by mobile phone, and parking cards of the city of Pärnu are also not valid!
In case of breach of the established parking terms and conditions, including non-payment of the parking fee, the EuroPark Estonia OÜ staff, performing the parking inspection, has the right to impose a contractual penalty in the amount of 60 euros.
The parking lot is unguarded. The hotel is not responsible for cars or items left in the car.
Tervise Paradiis reserve the right to change parking fee rates.
NB! On the streets in the vicinity of the hotel, parking is also paid. Please familiarize yourself with the new parking regulation
of the city of Pärnu